REED GUNTHER #10… not in stores…


Howdy folks!

Unfortunately, REED GUNTHER #10 will not be in stores tomorrow, April 25th. Before you tar and feather us, let us say that we are very sorry for the delay.

Please commence with the tarring…

If anyone cares about the why of such things, allow me to explain. Chris and I both live in Los Angeles where we have day jobs in television. I edit reality TV shows and Chris works as a storyboard revisionist and character designer for animated shows.

Chris and I both got on some great shows at the beginning of the year, which severely ate up our Reed Gunther time. Let me tell you, issue #9 BARELY came out on time, but we managed to squeeze it in.

“But WHEN can I read issue #10!” you say? “You dirty rats left me with such a crazy cliffhanger! Is Reed really going to sell his soul?!”

The good news is that Chris and I are now off our respective TV shows and are hard at work on REED GUNTHER #10! WHOO HOO! Now stop tarring us! And put those feathers away!

Although we’re not too far into it (the script is finished and Chris is working on thumb nailing out the entire issue), I can tell you that we’re going to bring you the reader along the way on the creation of this issue! Check back here for updates and exclusive peeks behind the scenes of making an issue!

Our fans are the most passionate and awesome fans out there and we appreciate your patience. I promise that this story will be so awesome, and so epic, the wait will be worth it. This issue is an extended issue with more story pages crammed between the covers so you’ll even get a little extra, all for the same $3 cover price.

Thanks for waiting cowboys! And cowgirls! And cowbears!

- Shane

REED GUNTHER #9 in Stores Now!


STEAK AND BEANS! Reed VS Sterling? Man VS Bear? Cowboy VS Steed?!?

It’s true! Readers of the entire series will remember a certain mysterious character who keeps popping up throughout the book (look for clues in issues #3 and #6), and it’s about time we heard his story!

This is the first half of an EPIC two-part story! Hold on to your lassos, this one’s going to be WILD!

Read the entire issue on your computer right now, thanks to Graphicly:

Can’t find a local comic shop? Purchase a copy online at! Or purchase digitally at Comixology or on the Image Comics App.

Don’t forget to pre-order REED GUNTHER VOL. 2 “Monsters and Mustaches” at your local comic shop!

Diamond Order Code: MAR12 0444


Check out how cool that cover is! This second trade paperback will collect issues 6-10 and have TONS of extra stuff including short comics, sketch work, and the very first ever Reed and Sterling adventure– written by Chris! It’s wild and you gotta check it out!

Pre-ordering your indie comics (like any title from Image) really helps out the creators and the longevity of your favorite series. Thanks for pre-ordering and especially for reading!

Your fiend forever,


REED GUNTHER #8 in Stores Now!

We’re pumping them out! Only 3 short weeks after issue #7 hit the stands, Reed Gunther, Sterling, and Starla are galloping into comic shops again! But this month, it’s Starla who’s taking the reins…

It’s the Starla issue! After realizing she is “just one of the guys,” Starla has a breakdown and decides she needs to act more like a traditional Western lass. Of course, this goes poorly when Reed is in need of her punching-expertise when mummies begin to resurrect and want to eat his face!

In a recent review of RG #7, said this about Starla:

“It’s very refreshing to find a female lead who’s the loudest and often the most competent of all the main characters. Starla has a good head on her shoulders, and her no-nonsense attitude balances Reed’s impulsive heroism. She’s tough as nails, speaks her mind, and would be a good role model for any young female readers.”

If you can’t wait to get to your local comic shop, you can purchase a digital version of this issue right here on

Thanks for reading, folks!

- Shane

REED GUNTHER #7 in Stores Now!


Reed and Sterling are back at it again! In this exciting issue, Reed loses the gang’s money buying a pair of new boots! In order to make the money back, he agrees to exterminate a nearby town’s werewolf problem. Little does he know that things with this werewolf may not be what they seem!

This is a stand alone, done-in-one adventure so be sure to let folks who have never picked up a copy of REED GUNTHER before know!

Take a look into the first 9-PAGES of this story over at Newsarama!

And if those first nine pages didn’t quite entice you to pick up this issue, check out this review from

“It’s nigh on impossible to fault Reed Gunther. It’s fun, accessible, entertaining and there’s always a sense that everyone involved is doing the best they can do and enjoying it while they do it. I’ve praised a lot of Image comics other the past 12 months, but Reed Gunther is as good as any other.”

If you can’t wait to get to your local comic shop, you can purchase a digital version of this issue right here on

Thanks everyone! Hope you enjoy the new issue!

- Shane

LIVE Interview on Fanboy Radio!

Chris and I were recently interviewed on FANBOY RADIO! We had a blast chatting with the hosts about all things Reed Gunther. This interview originally broadcast live in Texas and is now in podcast form for the rest of the world to enjoy!

Also, get ready for the release of REED GUNTHER #7 (Wed. 1-11)! This issue is going to blow your mind with hilariousness AND awesomeness! Chris did phenomenal work with the pencils and inks on this one, and Josh Ulrich returns to color the interior!

Happy Reading!

- Shane