Reed Fans ROCK!


Thanks to everyone who picked up the first issue of Reed Gunther this past week! Chris and I really appreciate your support! Thanks for posting pictures, writing kinds words, and spreading the news!

We won’t have a letters column until issue #6 as the earliest because we’re using all of our available page space to JAM PACK each issue with 32 pages of Reed Gunther adventure! If we did have a letters page, we would have to print all the kind words folks have been emailing into us like this:

“Thanks for making a comic that I can give my little girl that isn’t based on a toy, TV show, movie or cartoon. I appreciate it more than you can possibly imagine.” – Scott P.

“Dear Houghtons, I really just gotta give Reed Gunther real high marks!! Seriously; there’s not much to complain about! I’m pretty keen on westerns, too–everything from Jonah Hex to LHOTP–so this is right up my alley. It was the art that sold me, though; with a cover and preview art like that, I knew it would be as good as it seemed.” – Andrew S.

If you’d like to share a picture, fan art, or write to us, shoot us an email at mail(at)

Thanks everyone! You guys ROCK!

- Shane

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Golden Apple Release Party

Come see us (and a LIVE SNAKE) at Golden Apple Comics this Friday night! Yee-Haw!

PrintJUNE 3rd (Friday)
7-9 PM
Golden Apple Comics
7018 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90038
(323) 658-6047

In Stores Now: REED GUNTHER #1!



Head over to to find your closest shop and snag an issue for yourself, your kids, or even someone who’s never read a comic book before!

Chris and I will be signing copies at The Comic Bug today from 5-8 PM, so if you’re near Manhattan Beach, CA, come say hi!

issue_1_release_smChris and I would like to thank all our awesome readers for being super amazing and supporting us over the years. Without your love and support, it would have been much more difficult to push forward with this book We hope you continue to follow the adventures of Reed and Sterling! Chris and I can’t wait to show you all the NEW stuff we’ve been working on!

Thanks everyone!

- Shane

Spare Time and Comic Bug Signing!

Hey Folks!

REED GUNTHER #1 comes out TOMORROW (June 1st)! Hot dog, we’re excited!

Chris and I will be appearing at The Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach tomorrow from 5-8 PM! You should come out and say hey! If you’d like to RSVP to the Facebook event, click here.

Here’s the info:

JUNE 1st (Wednesday)
5-8 PM
The Comic Bug
1807 1/2 Manhattan Beach Blvd.
Manhattan Beach, CA 90266
(310) 372-6704

To see info on all our current appearances, click here.

Also, you have to check out this fantastic bowling interview we did for Spare Time With Dom on


“Shane and Chris Houghton, of Image Comic’s Reed Gunther, strap on their two-toned bowling shoes, talk Reed Gunther origins and enjoy some ‘Spare Time With Dom.’

‘Spare Time With Dom’ pits comic book creators against the extremely talented bowler, Dom, to talk comics, life and whatever else strikes-up in conversation”

We had a blast hanging out with Dom and chatting about all things Reed Gunther and bowling. Sadly, he did beat us at bowling…

Hope everyone is excited for tomorrow!

- Shane

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And the Winner Is…

Hey Folks!

You may remember the Reed Gunther WANTED Poster Contest where we asked you the fans to hang a WANTED ad for Reed is your local shop for a chance to win a page of original art from Reed Gunther #1! We received some really awesome photos from some very enthusiastic fans and we appreciate everyone’s entry and help on spreading the word about Reed! (in stores this Wednesday, June 1st!)

Chris and I were going to randomly pull the winner’s name out of a hat, but we couldn’t find any hats around so we came up with something way more awesome. I threw slips of paper with everyone’s names into the air and Chris had to snatch the winner out of mid-air!


Chris’ agile little drawin’ fingers came through and snagged this winner!




Charles shops at the super awesome Heroes and Villains in comic shop in Tucson, AZ. Congratulations Charles and we hope you enjoy your newest piece of original comic book artwork!

We’d like to send out a super huge thanks to all the folks who submitted to our contest! We hope everyone enjoys the monthly color issues of Reed Gunther from Image Comics!

Adios amigos!

- Shane

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