Win an ORIGINAL PAGE of Reed Artwork!
Say WHAT?!
You mean we’re just giving away a page of original Reed Gunther artwork?! That’s right! It’s a CONTEST!
To help us spread the word about pre-ordering Reed Gunther #1 (order code: APR110403) we need you the people to travel to your local comic book shop and tell them about such a cool book! As a reward, Chris has generously offered up a page of original artwork from issue #1, Reed Gunther and the Steak Snacking Snake to go to one lucky winner!
How to Enter:
1.) Print out the awesome Reed Gunther WANTED poster seen above. Click on the picture to make it bigger and then select “print” from your web browser’s file menu.
2.) Write your initials on the front in the white space on the bottom left. This is so we know that you hung up this poster. There can be more than one poster per store, but the one you submit should have your initials on it.
3.) Take it to your local comic book shop and ask the owner if you can hang it up somewhere in the store. While you’re there, ask that nice comic book store employee if he would please pre-order a copy of Reed Gunther #1 from Image Comics for you. Psst, order code: APR110403
4.) Once hung, snap a photo of yourself standing next to the poster in the comic book shop.
5.) Now email that picture of you and the poster to! In the email, please also include your name, address, and the name of comic shop where your Reed Gunther poster is hung. And now you’re done! Your name will then be entered into the contest for your chance to win an original page from Reed Gunther #1.
Don’t know where your local comic shop is? Enter your zip code at and they’ll tell you!
And now, here’s the page 22 from Reed Gunther and the Steak Snacking Snake! The page you could win!
This page is 11″x17″. Chris pencils the page in blue pencil and then inks over in black ink. When scanned into the computer, the blue pencil does not show. To learn more about how Chris creates a page of Reed Gunther, check out this blog post!
Other rules:
You may be any age to enter. We’re all-ages!
You must have a mailing address within the United States of America.
You may only enter the contest once, but feel free to post Reed Gunther WANTED posters in as many shops as you like!
You must hang the poster in a shop that is able to pre-order Reed Gunther #1 from Diamond’s PREVIEWS comic catalog.
You may hang your poster in a shop that already has a Reed Gunther WANTED poster in it. You will differentiate your poster from any others by writing your initials on your poster on the bottom left (step #2).
Contest ends on April 28th at midnight, PST. The winner will be randomly drawn out of a hat by Shane and Chris and announced the following week.
If you do not follow all of the above stated rules, you will not be included in the finally drawing. So please make sure you’ve got everything! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us by emailing, or by commenting below.
Now get to it!
- Shane
[...] to win some of the original art from the first issue (once again – will be huge!) – CHECK IT HERE (and don’t be afraid to let them know you saw this at The Pullbox). Good [...]