Pullbox Review

It’s starting!

With the fourth issue of Reed Gunther about to be released this Wednesday, June 30th, we’re starting to hear from a few choice reviewers who snagged an advance copy of the book!

Eric over at The Pullbox wrote the first review for Reed Gunther in Fish Out of Slaughter!

Eric says stuff like:

“When I was introduced to the wild adventures of Reed Gunther, I immediately fell back to being eight years old and reading the classic comics of yore.  That is to say, it brought me to that place of pure enjoyment… pure, simplistic, heroic enjoyment.”

“This book is nothing short than an independent gem!”

“I can’t thank Shane and Chris Houghton for reminding me what real joy in the medium can look like.”

Thanks so much for the kind words, Eric! We’re really happy you enjoyed the issue!

Be sure to read Eric’s full review at ThePullbox.com!

Issue #4, Reed Gunther in Fish Out of Slaughter! is available for pre-order in the Store section of the site. If you order now, your comics will be shipped out on Monday (June 28th) so you should receive them as close to June 30th as possible!

As always, every issue comes shipped in a plastic sleeve and cardboard backing to keep your issue fresh as it travels through the rough and tumble mail system! We also include free hand-stamped mini-comics with every order!

Thanks for reading,

- Shane

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