July 3rd, 2012

Chris and I were interviewed by Liz Ohanesian for her write up about the San Diego Comic-Con! We are mentioned along with our good buddy, Sam Humphries, the unstoppable comic writer who currently has about 4,000 monthly titles out right now.
Reed Gunther will once again be set up at the Image Comics booth, right in the middle of the entire con floor!
See you in San Diego!
- Shane
June 20th, 2012

CANNED LETTUCE! We made it! After a brief delay, the tenth issue of REED GUNTHER hits stands with a bang!
I don’t want to give too much away about this story, but I will say that Chris and I are extremely proud of this one so we hope you check it out!
Newsarama recently said about this issue:
“There’s just something about this book that’s been hard to explain to other readers I’ve tried to get them reading. It’s just old-fashioned fun. In a market with a lot of grim and gritty expressions and world-ending scenarios, Reed Gunther is like a smile that greets you in your pullbox.”
Hit up your local comic shop to find an issue, or buy it digitally through Graphicly or Comixology!
Or read it right here on your computer!
Thanks for reading everyone!
- Shane
June 19th, 2012
First off, for a 6-page preview inside REED GUNTHER #10, click on over to CBR.com!
FreakinAwesomeNetwork.net says:
“Shane, Chris and Josh’s work on Reed Gunther always bring a smile to my face and showcases how a comic can dip its toe into the realm of all-ages comedy without sacrificing a witty sense of humor to pander to a younger demographic. Above all, Reed Gunther is a comic about friends, fun and fightin’. And pickles. Who doesn’t love pickles?”
FanboyComics.net says:
“Shane and Chris Houghton have earned many adjectives for their comic series, Reed Gunther – awesome, hilarious, heartfelt – but now they can add epic to their list.”
iFanboy.com recommends REED GUNTHER #10 this week!
“Did you SEE the video we posted yesterday? If that doesn’t make you go buy every issue of Reed Gunther, starting with issue #10, I don’t know what will. Hands down this has been one of the best all ages and best all around comics on the stands. And most importantly, it’s fun.”
June 18th, 2012
We gave iFanboy.com a look behind the scenes of what it takes to make an issue of REED GUNTHER!
If there’s one ridiculous, goofy, and all-out strange video you watch on the internet today, we hope it’s this one.

Many thanks to Jennifer Ruiz, Andrew Adams, Ryan Howard, and Willy Roberts for their help making this video.
June 7th, 2012

Here’s a small peek into RG #10! What’s he saying? WHAT’S HE SAYING?!?!