And Now a Post About Sterling (Comic-Con Friends Part 3)

The other half of Reed Gunther Duo is that lovable ‘ol grizzly bear Reed’s always riding around and while at the San Diego Comic-Con, I bumped into a few folks who put Sterling on my mind.

First up, I had a chance to chat with the amazingly cool and hilarious writer/artist of The Muppet Show Comic Book, Robert Langridge!  Now if you know me at all, you know that I am a HUGE fan of the Muppets and I was hesitant when I heard BOOM Studios was going to make a Muppet Comic.  But after reading Robert Langridge’s first issue, I was hooked!  This book is packed with hilarious jokes, goofy and fun art, and has fantastic emotional stories for a new Muppet each issue.

I couldn’t say enough to Mr. Langridge about how well he nailed the Muppet tone in his book, and he offered to sketch me something if I traded him an issue of Reed Gunther.  I was much obliged and challenged him with the task of seating me on the back of everyone’s favorite bear.

No, not Fozzy!  Sterling!  (sorry for the crappy quality, I took a picture ’cause I don’t have a scanner)

Shane on Sterling

Amazing sketch!  I love it!

A co-worker of mine suggested that I meet up with buddy of his who writes comics.  I asked who this fella was, and it turned out to be Supergirl writer, Sterling Gates!  I met with Sterling at the DC booth and chatted it up, mostly about how I had never met a human being named Sterling, but I do know this crazy bear!  Sterling was very friendly and a great guy to chat with.

Finally, while walking around on the Con floor, an image grabbed my attention so hard, I was pulled by a force of awesomeness through the crowd of people to get a closer look.  And here it is:

This amazing piece of art was crafted by the fantastic Ben Walker.  Ben’s whole shtick (for the most part) is grizzly bears with revolvers.  And I LOVE it!  You should check out his website to see all of his gun-toting bears, cowboys who wish they could fly, and other fantastic western-themed art!  Thanks Ben!

That’s it for posts about Comic-Con.  Until next year!

- Shane

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Discussion (2)¬

  1. Wow! What a bunch of neat Sterling references! I LOVE the sketch by Robert Langridge!

  2. Noel says:

    How cool that you were able to have one of the Muppet Show comic/artists do a sketch of you on Sterling. I love it! I also know how special it is for you…Muppets Rock!!!
