Comic-Con Friends (Part 2)

Continuing the coverage of my day at Comic-Con, this will be the FSU Film School Friends post.

I attended the Florida State University Film School along with some terrific folks, some of which have gotten into the comic related world (but who am I kidding?  Comics and movies are so intertwined these days…)

First up, here’s a picture of me and my buddy Matt Hartwell loitering in front of the Goon booth:

Shane and Matt Comic Con

This blurry glimpse of rareness was taken by the always friendly, Kevin Johnson, the producer of the FSU short film, My Four Inch Precious which was screening as a part of the Con’s film festival.

The other funny-looking fella in this picture is the incomprable Matt Hartwell, a fellow BFA ‘07 Film Schooler, and a fine writer!  Matt is a frequent writer for the short fiction website,, as well as writing screenplays and comic scripts.  On the way down to San Diego, I read Matt’s latest script for a 1920’s Philadelphia gangster comic and it is fantastic!  If you’re an artist who’s looking to be a part of a sweet book, you should definitely shoot Hartwell an email.  This guy’s great!

While perusing the Con floor and familiar face stopped me in my tracks.  That mug belonged to the FSU MFA grad, Kevin McShane (I would kill for his last name), whose face I had seen literally everyday on a poster in the film school hallway.  Kevin and I chatted it up about FSU and comics and Kevin showed me his hilariously fun self-published book, TOUPYDOOPS!  Just lookit how goofy that monkey is!

That’s all for now!  One more Comic-Con post to come (and it’s all BEAR related!)


- Shane (McShane) Houghton

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Discussion (2)¬

  1. Dave says:

    Wow, FSU film school boys sure seem handsome! Wish I could’ve been there!

  2. Shane says:

    Next year Dave! Next year we plan on storming the Con! And you’re coming with us!
