8-Bit Reed!

Howdy Folks!

My good buddy, video game designer, and all around fantastic Italian dude, Nico Zilli, sent me this amazing little bit of fan art in glorious retro style!

8-Bit Reed

Nico nailed Reed’s tumble-weed posture and pistol-drawing charisma!  All in just a few pixels!  Amazing!

Nico’s been a big fan of Reed Gunther and even helped me put this very site together so many thanks are due to him.  Be sure to check out his game development blog and play his awesome idle game, A Knight’s Story!

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Discussion (4)¬

  1. Kassandra says:

    really awesome! so cute!

  2. Noel says:

    Nice job Nico!

  3. Nico says:

    Thanks guys! :D

  4. Shane says:

    No no! Thank you Nico! This is amazing! I can’t wait for the Reed Gunther video game! *wink wink*
