Moon Gloom Original Pages For Sale

So you enjoyed Moon Gloom and you’d like to see Reed Gunther in color?

Help us raise enough funds to hire a colorist by purchasing the original page from our new short comic, Moon Gloom!

These 11″X14″ bristol board pages have been scribbled on and inked by both me and Chris. You can see the blue pencil sketches on the original page that is not picked up when scanned in to the computer, so you get a chance to see some of the earlier steps right on the page!


The lettering is also hand drawn by Chris right on the page, so as it’s hanging in your living room you can read exactly what’s going on (unlike Reed Gunther who’s lettering is all done digitally).

The only extra effect on the digital page that is not on the drawn page is the blue shading you see in the pdf. Chris added that in the computer to add a little depth to the pages.

There are only 15 pages (14 comic pages and the title/cover page) and will be sold on a first come, first served basis. The first page is technically the cover, and the page with the Earth blowing up is page 1.

Take a look at your pdf and let us know what page you would like to purchase by emailing us at

The signed original art is only a measly $50. Fifty bucks to have original art?! What a steal!


Whether you need a great gift, are an avid art collector, or just need some more kindling for the fire, these pages will help us make more comics for you to enjoy.

Thanks for your support and we look forward to hearing from you!

- Shane

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