Reed Comics at Meltdown!

Reed at Meltdown

The fine folks at Meltdown Comics in Los Angeles, CA are now carrying issues of everyone’s favorite bear-riding cowboy, Reed Gunther!

So the next time your in this awesome store, be it for comics, an art show, writing/drawing classes, or stand up comedy (yes they do all that… and more!) be sure to sneak a peek into an exciting issue of Reed Gunther!

7522 Sunset Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90046

(323) 851-7223

Happy Reading!

- Shane

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Discussion (2)¬

  1. DavidRY says:

    I did just that the other day. Picked up all three in fact! Great stuff so far guys, really appreciate a fun comic like yours every now and then. Can’t wait to see you at San Diego!

  2. Shane says:

    Thanks so much for picking up the books David! Meltdown will be one of the few and exclusive store to carry our fourth issue on June 30th! See you at San Diego!
