Fan Art!

Hey everyone,

I just received this fantastic fan art from Charles Ingram!

Charles Ingram Fan Art

Charles is a hilarious filmmaker/artist hanging out in LA and graciously spent some time cooking up this illustration for us.  Thanks so much Charles!

If you would like to send in some fan art, or even just want to say hey, email the Reed Gunther creators at mail(at)reedgunther(dot)com!

Also if you would like to be a fan of Reed on facebook:

Reed Gunther Comics on Facebook
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Discussion (2)¬

  1. Andrew Adams says:

    …Am I still Big Fan #2? Or has this epic piece of artwork bumped me down a notch?

  2. Shane says:

    You’ll always be my Big #2, Andrew. I can’t wait for you to see my drawing for you…
